Thursday, October 21, 2010

***[iNtRAmuRAL SeaSon]***

blood pumping, adrenaline coursing through my veins
there is only one thing that crosses my mind
to win, crushing my opponent shamefully to the ground
where I can claim certain victory over them
just to feel the electric tension as points are scored and time runs out
feeling elated as my thunderous serves go untouched on the other side
bumps, sets, spikes are key to the game
but nothing is more important than teamwork
you yell, you scream, you call the ball
as its path crosses your zone
and teammates back you up
you dance on the court, keeping that single ball up
hoping to gain the points needed to reach the goal
as sweat and anxiety fills the court,
the winning point looming over the horizon
muscles become rigid and legs stay firmly on the ground
as we perform the final moves to defeat them
and as the crowd roars its support from the bleachers
we jump and celebrate at the hard work we put forth
as we rise above the ranks and become true champions

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